The order of kosher food in Saint-Petersburg

It is so pleasantly to have a meal in a pleasant atmosphere with our friends. Cooking is a difficult process, which takes a lot of time to find the right ingredients. Of course in this situation you can go to a restaurant, but sometimes you have no time for going there – you want to eat here and now – during breaks in studying, business talks and so on. Food order is the better decision in such situation, and the Golden Café is the best!

If you and your friends need kosher food, there is nothing better than tasty and kosher meals in Golden Café.

Golden Café offers the service of ordering kosher food. Call us if you want to give a banquet or organize any other celebrations with kosher and just very tasty food. We deliver the food all over the city for 15 people and more. The deliver coasts 100 rubles. Prices are given in our menu. There are discounts for regular clients!

For futher information please make a call to us.

© Golden Cafe 2010-2024, Санкт-Петербург, Лермонтовский пр., 27
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