Golden Café . Kosher food in Saint-Petersburg.

Golden Cafe is a kosher restaurant located in the historical center of Saint-Petersburg – on Lermontovsky prospect, 27. Here in the comfortable and nice halls, viewing the menu with a delicious jewish cuisine you will have a pleasant lunch or dinner with close friends or business partners.

Our cooks are always ready to make the meal you want. You will be delighted in the balance of the price and the quality in our cafe. You can’t help appreciating the taste of kosher meals here. If you have never tasted kosher food – you will have a perfect experience. If kosher food is a part of your life – come to Golden Cafe and try the delicious kosher meals you have ever imagined.

For guests who want to be in Internet during the visit there is a quick Wi-Fi network for your convenient usage.

Bon appetit!

© Golden Cafe 2010-2024, Санкт-Петербург, Лермонтовский пр., 27
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